Ways of Working

Steps for Developing with Cookpad:

  1. Developers Have an Idea

    • A developer or team of developers come up with a concept for a cryptocurrency project or decentralized application (dApp).

  2. Launch a Token with Cookpad Token Creation

    • Using Cookpad’s Token Creation tool, the developer creates and launches their custom token on the blockchain. This process is simplified by Cookpad, ensuring that technical barriers are minimized.

  3. Token Contract Ownership

    • Once the token is created, the token contract has two owners:

      • The 1st owner is Cookpad, which provides oversight, security, and platform integration.

      • The 2nd owner is the Developer, who retains control of the project and its direction.

  4. Request Liquidity from Cookpad

    • After launching the token, the developer requests liquidity from Cookpad to ensure the token has enough liquidity for smooth market operations and trading stability.

    • Cookpad facilitates the creation of liquidity pools through its Liquidity Provider Service.

  5. Transaction Tax Sent to Marketing Contract

    • A tax is applied to each transaction involving the token. This tax is automatically sent to a Marketing Contract, which holds funds designated for marketing, development, and other project growth initiatives.

  6. Developer Withdraws Tax

    • The developer is allowed to withdraw up to 85% of the transaction tax to use for marketing and development purposes. This ensures the developer has the resources to promote and grow the project.

  7. Revenue Sharing Program

    • 10% of the transaction tax is allocated to Cookpad’s Revenue Sharing Program, which distributes rewards to investors who participate in liquidity pools, staking, or other forms of investment in the project.

  8. Cookpad Development Allocation

    • The remaining 5% of the transaction tax is set aside for Cookpad Development. This portion is used to maintain and improve the Cookpad platform, ensuring it remains secure and continues to offer robust services to developers and investors.

Summary of the Process:

  1. Developers generate a project idea.

  2. Token is launched using Cookpad Token Creation.

  3. The token contract is shared between Cookpad and the Developer.

  4. Liquidity is requested from Cookpad.

  5. Transaction tax is allocated to a Marketing Contract.

  6. Developers can withdraw up to 85% of the tax.

  7. 10% of the tax is distributed to the Revenue Sharing Program for investors.

  8. 5% of the tax is allocated to Cookpad Development.

Last updated